Monday, November 19, 2012

8 weeks

how far along? 8 weeks

how big is baby? the size of a raspberry

weight gain/loss? holding steady at +1

stretch marks? none

maternity clothes? none, but pants (especially jeans) are getting snug

sleep? very good, although I can't really sleep on my stomach anymore because my boobs are so sore

food cravings? movie theater popcorn (so random, I know)

symptoms? fatigue, sore breasts, mild nausea, sensitivity to smells, neon-yellow pee (!) from my new prenatal vitamins

signs of labor? none

sex of baby? no idea - I am hoping for a boy

movement? none

belly button? still an innie

what I'm worrying about: I had some brown spotting last night and it scared me so much; that's how my last miscarriage began. I was thankful that it was gone when I woke up this morning, but it's still alarming, nonetheless. I'm trying to stay calm, drink lots of water, and stay off my feet when I can.

what I'm loving: that time is flying by so quickly! It feels like just yesterday I was peeing on a stick and the baby was the size of a poppyseed; also very excited (and a little nervous) for our first appointment on Wednesday where hopefully we'll be able to hear a heartbeat!

best moment this week? John started our kitchen remodeling project! Everything is a mess right now, but I know it's going to look wonderful when it's finished.

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