Friday, January 4, 2013

15 weeks

how far along? 15 weeks

how big is baby? the size of an orange

weight gain/loss? +4ish

stretch marks? none

maternity clothes? stretchy pants rock!

sleep? no complaints here; I'm thankful to still be sleeping well

food cravings? berry smoothies

symptoms? still feeling great and sporting a small bump

signs of labor? none

sex of baby? we find out on February 5!

movement? none

belly button? still in 

what I'm worrying about: I finally told my boss that I'm pregnant yesterday morning and he was such a douche about it.

First he laughed in kind of a bitter, weird way (I think he was slightly shocked by the news). Then he said that people had been making comments about how I wasn't drinking at our holiday party a few weeks ago. He also said in an accusatory tone, "Isn't it rather early to be sharing this news?" (not really, dumbass - I'm almost 4 months pregnant and starting to show!). Finally he asked, "So does that mean you're not coming back after the baby is born?" I told him I haven't decided yet (even though John and I are 90% sure I will end up staying at home) and there was just an awkward silence before we moved on to other topics. He eventually did say congratulations at the end of the meeting, but it didn't feel at all sincere. 

I sat at my desk the rest of the day feeling sick to my stomach and trying not to cry. I just thought there would be a more positive reaction - instead I felt like I'm being judged and accused of betraying my job or something. Ugh...what a horrible experience. I'm trying to be professional and let it go, but I keep thinking about his reaction and my blood starts to boil.

what I'm loving: good health and having a supportive, loving husband

best moment this week? New Year's Eve was tame but fun. We had some great food (BBQ ribs, twice-baked potatoes, salad, and cheesecake), watched the BBC version of "Sherlock," and toasted 2013 with sparkling apple juice. It's such a great feeling to say that we're having a baby THIS YEAR! 

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