Friday, May 24, 2013

35 weeks

how far along? 35 weeks

how big is baby? the size of a coconut

weight gain/loss? I stopped counting after my depressing visit to the doctor last week, although if I had to guess, I would say around 30 lbs (ugh)

stretch marks? still some faint ones around the sides of my hips

maternity clothes? you betcha

sleep? I actually slept in our guest bedroom a few nights this past week - more room for me to flop around like a whale (and less disturbances for my slumbering husband)

food cravings? fresh, summery foods - salad, watermelon, iced tea

symptoms? my feet and ankles have officially begun to swell; on top of that, I've been having lots of round ligament pain and sciatic nerve pain as well

signs of labor? none

sex of baby? girl

movement? plenty of rolls, pushes and hiccups

belly button? just a tiny divot left

what I'm worrying about: a better question would be what am I not worried about? I'm still freaked about labor and delivery, frustrated with a house that needs spring cleaning, and just feeling very anxious about everything these days.

what I'm loving: getting lots of great gifts at my shower (bouncer, diaper bag, rock 'n play, activity gym, and lots of smaller items, too. The checklist of items is getting smaller!

best moment this week? celebrating John's birthday with a fantastic night out including lobster, pork belly, scallops, short ribs, a wicked strong manhattan (for him), live jazz, and homemade rhubarb crisp (courtesy of my mom)

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